Amid These Storms: Thoughts and Adventures

Item# 898899633X
by Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Wonyong Cho (translation)
Korean title: Pokpung-ui Han-gaunde: Winston Churchill Susangnok

size: 198*135mm; 471 pages. publisher: Achimisul, 2003.

This book is written in Korean only.

Thoughts and Adventures consists of twenty-three essays, most of which had been previously published, on a wide range of topics. Here are some of the titles:

Cartoons and Cartoonists
Election Memories
The U-Boat War
The Irish Treaty
Mass Effects in Modern Life
Parliamentary Government and the Economic Problem
Painting as a Pastime

There is no unifying theme in these essays. They are of varied importance to an understanding of Churchill and his times.

Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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