Asian Peoples and Their Cultures
by Sang-bok Han et al.
size: A5new, 302pages. publisher: Seoul National University Press, 2000.
Table of contents
- Editor's Preface
- Contributors
1. Introducion: Anthropological Studies on Asian Peoples and Their Cultures/ Sang-Bok Han
Part I. Anthropological Studies in Asian Countries
2. Status of Anthropological Studies on the Pjilippine Society and Culture/ F.L. Jocano
3. Anthropological Research on Aboriginal Groups of the Malay Peninsula/ Hood Salleh
4. Anthropology and Sociology in Indonesia/ Koentjaraningrat
5. Anthropologica Studies in the Republic of China during the Last Three Decades/ Chi-Lu Chen
6. Sinology and Sino-authropology: Family Study as an Example/ Sung-Hsing Wang
7. Anthropological Studies in Korea/ Kwang-Kyu Lee
8. Thai Studies in Transition: A Report on Origins, Problems and Trends/ Srisakra Vallibhotama
Part II. Asian Peoples and Their Cultures
9. Coninuty and Change of Ancestor Worship in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Memorial tablet/ Michio Suenari
10. The System of Belief in Korean Rural Communities/ Oak-La Cho
11. Meru: A Symbol of Conitinuity and Change in Thia Society/ Srisakra Vallibhotama
12. Spiritual Movements in Javanese Culture/ Koentjaraningrat
13. Games Are Forever: A Preliminary Discussion on Continuity and Change in Manipulative Behavior of the Chinese/ Chien Chiao
14. Continuity and Change in the Japanese Personality/ Takao Sofue
15. A Buddhist Approaches in Anthropology: An Understanding of Margaret Mead/ Shin-Pyo Kang
- Index
size: A5new, 302pages. publisher: Seoul National University Press, 2000.
Table of contents
- Editor's Preface
- Contributors
1. Introducion: Anthropological Studies on Asian Peoples and Their Cultures/ Sang-Bok Han
Part I. Anthropological Studies in Asian Countries
2. Status of Anthropological Studies on the Pjilippine Society and Culture/ F.L. Jocano
3. Anthropological Research on Aboriginal Groups of the Malay Peninsula/ Hood Salleh
4. Anthropology and Sociology in Indonesia/ Koentjaraningrat
5. Anthropologica Studies in the Republic of China during the Last Three Decades/ Chi-Lu Chen
6. Sinology and Sino-authropology: Family Study as an Example/ Sung-Hsing Wang
7. Anthropological Studies in Korea/ Kwang-Kyu Lee
8. Thai Studies in Transition: A Report on Origins, Problems and Trends/ Srisakra Vallibhotama
Part II. Asian Peoples and Their Cultures
9. Coninuty and Change of Ancestor Worship in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Memorial tablet/ Michio Suenari
10. The System of Belief in Korean Rural Communities/ Oak-La Cho
11. Meru: A Symbol of Conitinuity and Change in Thia Society/ Srisakra Vallibhotama
12. Spiritual Movements in Javanese Culture/ Koentjaraningrat
13. Games Are Forever: A Preliminary Discussion on Continuity and Change in Manipulative Behavior of the Chinese/ Chien Chiao
14. Continuity and Change in the Japanese Personality/ Takao Sofue
15. A Buddhist Approaches in Anthropology: An Understanding of Margaret Mead/ Shin-Pyo Kang
- Index