Big cat, small cat
Korean Title: 큰 고양이, 작은 고양이
Author: Elisha Cooper
Translated: Eom Hye-sook
Publisher: Sigong Junior
ISBN: 9788952786555
32 page /235 * 225 mm
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>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
Big cats ‘show’ small cats when to eat, when to drink, where to go, how to play, and when to rest. When big cats “show,” they mean “do it together.” ‘Showing’ is different from teaching through words or writing. The big cat did not teach us what kind of life we should live in order to live a dignified life and a comfortable life. It shows with its body and daily life how to live as a cat by eating, sleeping, resting, and playing without losing its cat nature, and how to live in communication with someone. It is truly a model for life. Meanwhile, I cook, groom, hunt, and make plans with my little cat. And every day, I roll around with my little cat for 5 minutes and dream together. As they share reality and ideals, the two begin to resemble each other. When looking at the two cats, images of home naturally come to mind. Isn't home the place where we can confirm and be sure that we are who we are?
However, in modern society, mom, dad, and children sleep, eat, rest, and play in separate rooms. There are almost no opportunities for children to see how mom and dad live their daily lives. Moreover, rather than teaching them to live as themselves, or to experience what it means to dream together, perhaps they are giving greater priority to teaching them how to hunt well as a cat, or how to be careful of other cats. In modern society, where there is no time to roll around together and dreaming together has become truly a dream, the resonance that 『Big Cat, Little Cat』 gives us is quite deep and deep.