Blessed Are the Poor: Choi, A Bare-footed Angel (Book + DVD)

Item# 8970469826
Korean Title: Gananhan Janeun Bog-i Innani: Maenbal Cheonsa Choi Chun-seon
Author: Woohyun Kim 
Publisher: Kyujang

Important! Please read before you order!
.>>>This book is written in Korean only.

About This Book

There was an old man, Chun-seon Choi, without shoes, not even socks in the subway. Some people thought he was crazy. Some of them felt scared because of his appearances. However, once we came close to him, he wasn't crazy. He was one of the richest men in the his hometown, and he was smart enough to study in Japan. Also, he had fought with Gu Kim, leading the national independence movement against Japanese colonial rule. Then why was he here, in the subway with bare feet?

The book is the true story about Chun-seon Choi, who has devoted his life to God. You will see the real meaning of "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3)"  

* The Book comes with DVD.

About The Author

Woohyun Kim is human documentary producer and writer who has produced "Inkan kyejang (Human Theater)" for Korea Broadcast System. Since 1993, he has presented over 80 documentaries.

Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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