Come, Come, Come Upwards (Region-All)Zoom

Come, Come, Come Upwards (Region-All)

Item# 3482430567
Out-of-Print-Permanently Unavailable
Korean Title: Aje Aje Bara Aje
Starring: Kang Su-Yeon, Jin Yeong-Mi, Yu In-Chon
Director: Im Kwon-Taek
Ratings: 18+
Studio: Spectrum
Genre: Drama

About This DVD

Sun-Nyeo, a high school student, becomes a Buddhist nun leaving her mother, a usurer, and her father the Monk Yun-Bong. She goes to the Temple Deok-Am and becomes a disciple of the Monk Eun-Seon. Sun-Nyeo violates the Buddhist commandments because she rescues Park Hyeon-Wu and then she has an endless hardship. She meets Jin-Seong who seeks after truth in the southern sea.

After that, she begins to work for a hospital in the Bi-Keum Island, where she experiences the pain of human. She tries to rescue the driver Song, but he dies in the end. She comes back to the Temple Deok-Am again and learns from the Monk Eun-Seon that the truth, liberty, and salvation or any other supreme values have no meaning without pain.

Audio Format: DD 2.0 Stereo
Video Format: Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic) 
Languages: Korean
Subtitles: English, Korean  
Country Made: Korea 
Region Code: ALL
Year Made: 1989
Running Time: 134
Special Features: - Trailer
- Original Poster
- Still Collection
- Director & Cast's Filmograrphy

Availability: Unavailable .
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