[DVD] Crash (Region-3)Zoom

[DVD] Crash (Region-3)

Item# crashdvd
Korean Title: "Crash"
Starring: Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon
Director: Paul Haggis
Studio: Enter One
Rating: 15+
Genre: Drama

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About This DVD

Movie studios, by and large, avoid controversial subjects like race the way you might avoid a hive of angry bees. So it's remarkable that Crash even got made; that it's a rich, intelligent, and moving exploration of the interlocking lives of a dozen Los Angeles residents--black, white, latino, Asian, and Persian--is downright amazing. A politically nervous district attorney (Brendan Fraser) and his high-strung wife (Sandra Bullock, biting into a welcome change of pace from Miss Congeniality) get car-jacked by an oddly sociological pair of young black men (Larenz Tate and Chris "Ludacris" Bridges); a rich black T.V. director (Terrence Howard) and his wife (Thandie Newton) get pulled over by a white racist cop (Matt Dillon) and his reluctant partner (Ryan Phillipe); a detective (Don Cheadle) and his Latina partner and lover (Jennifer Esposito) investigate a white cop who shot a black cop--these are only three of the interlocking stories that reach up and down class lines. Writer/director Paul Haggis (who wrote the screenplay for Million Dollar Baby) spins every character in unpredictable directions, refusing to let anyone sink into a stereotype. The cast--ranging from the famous names above to lesser-known but just as capable actors like Michael Pena (Buffalo Soldiers) and Loretta Devine (Woman Thou Art Loosed)--meets the strong script head-on, delivering galvanizing performances in short vignettes, brief glimpses that build with gut-wrenching force. This sort of multi-character mosaic is hard to pull off; Crash rivals such classics as Nashville and Short Cuts. A knockout. --Bret Fetzer

Audio Format: Dolby Digital 5.1 / Dolby Digital surround
Video Format: 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
Languages: English
Subtitles: Korean / English
Country Made: USA 
Region Code: 3
Year Made: 2005
Running Time: 112min
Special Features: DVD Introduction by Director Paul Haggis
Crash Behind the Scenes
Commentary with Paul Haggis, Don Cheadle, and Bobby Moresco

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