Daughter of the Wind: Three and a Half Times Around the Globe on Foot(4 Volume Set)Zoom

Daughter of the Wind: Three and a Half Times Around the Globe on Foot(4 Volume Set)

Item# 9788971847466

Author: Han, Bi-ya
Publisher: Pureunsoop
1520 page | 152*223 mm

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>>>This book is written in Korean

About This Book

Daughter of the Wind: Three and a Half Times Around the Globe on Foot, an account of her seven-year (1993–1999) travels around the world. Han had quit a profitable and high-status job at Burson-Marsteller, a global public relations and communications firm, and jumped into what she liked most.[7]

Han explored the world, especially many isolated regions, alone and on foot, rarely taking flights. Also, her explorations were not like ordinary trips in that she actually stayed in local people’s home as many times as possible and truly experienced the local culture. In some countries like Afghanistan, it is sometimes very difficult and dangerous especially for a woman to talk to a local man and stay in his home. In the book, Han states that she put herself in hazardous situations and was fortunate to survive. These adventurous and vivid stories fascinate readers.

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