Death (2-Volume Set)
Title: Death vol.1+vol.2
죽음 (1+2 set)
Author: Werber Bernard
Publisher: openbooks
328 page / 128*188mm
죽음 (1+2 set)
Author: Werber Bernard
Publisher: openbooks
328 page / 128*188mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
The mystery writer Gabriel Wells, he's starting a special investigation!
I'm Gabriel Wells. I am a writer of outstanding novels.
My new investigation is a little special because it concerns the murder of someone I know personally: myself.
I was killed overnight and I wonder by whom. To solve this conundrum I had the chance to meet Lucy Filipini.
As a professional medium, she speaks daily to the souls of the dead.
And it is together, she in the material world, I in the invisible world, that we will try to unravel the mystery of my death.
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