[DVD] District B 13 (aka: 13th District / Region-3)Zoom

[DVD] District B 13 (aka: 13th District / Region-3)

Item# districtb13
Out-of-Print-Permanently Unavailable
Original Title: Banlieue 13
Korean Title: Shipsam Guyeok
Starring: Cyril Raffaelli, David Belle
Director: Pierre Morel
Studio: I Vision Entertainment
Rating: R
Genre: Action

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>>>This DVD is encoded for Region 3 (Southeast Asia & East Asia --- including Korea & Hong Kong). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made in other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players. To learn more about the DVD Region Code, please visit our Help Page and read Info on DVD Region Code.

About This DVD

In the futuristic French martial arts flick Banlieue 13, a Parisian suburb’s crime rate is so astronomical that the government just considers it a write-off the area has been walled off, the police are withdrawing and the citizens remaining inside are left to fend for themselves.

One particular Borough 13 resident named Leito (David Belle) has decided to wage a one-man war on local druglord Taha (Bibi Naceri, brother of Taxi driver Sami Naceri), who is a bit perturbed at the interruption of his business. With a small army of heavily armed street goons on his trail, Leito makes his escape by scrambling through halls and across rooftops. But Taha kidnaps his feisty (and incredibly sexy) sister for retribution, and Leito ends up in le bastille.

Meanwhile, chopsockey supercop Damien (Cyril Raffaelli) is recruited to retrieve a stolen nuclear weapon from Taha’s headquarters, and he only has 24 hours before the device turns Borough 13 into a smoking crater. Damien reluctantly teams with prisoner Leito, and the mismatched duo make their way to Taha’s stronghold, pound seven bells of crap out of everyone and save the day.

For what Belle and Raffaelli lack in charisma, they compensate with astonishing physical capabilities and a willingness to inflict grievous damage on the stunt crew. Both character introductions are impressive, with the tattooed Belle (who seems to hate shirts) showcasing his insanely acrobatic skills (he invented the “sport” of Parkour, which basically involves swift movement through urban environments).

Raffaelli (probably best known as the smaller blond “twin” from Jet Li’s Kiss of the Dragon) steamrolls through a casino while taking down a local crime boss, punting skulls and blasting large holes in an endless succession of henchmen.

Audio Format: DTS 5.1, DD 5.1
Video Format: Widescreen 2.35:1 (Anamorphic)
Languages: French
Subtitles: English, Korean  
Country Made: France
Region Code: 3
Year Made: 2005
Running Time: 85
Special Features: - Making of
- Outtakes
- Action in Casino : Uncut
- Action Training
- Real Short Film of Two Men
- Trailer
- TV Spot
- Music Video

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