Donguibogam Part 1 : Internal Bodily ElementsZoom

Donguibogam Part 1 : Internal Bodily Elements

Item# 9791129016263
Donguibogam Part 1 : Intenal Bodily Elemets
Author: Heo Jun
Publisher: JinHan M&B
ISBN: 9791129016263
774 page /188 * 257mm/ 1471g

- Donguibogam Part 1 : Intenal Bodily Elemets
- Donguibogam Part 2 : External Bodily Elemets
- Donguibogam Part 3 : Miscellaneous Disorders 1
- Donguibogam Part 4 : PartⅣ- Miscellaneous Disorders 2
- Donguibogam Part 5 : Miscellaneous Disorders3
- Donguibogam Part 6 : Miscellaneous Disorders 4
- Donguibogam Part 7 : Herbs/Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in English.

About This Book

It is an English translation of "Dongui Bogam" by Heo Jun, the nation's best medical book and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Dongui Bogam Memorial Project Group of the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine completed the Dongui Bogam edition in 2013 to mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of "Dongui Bogam."

Table of Contents

PartⅠ _ Internal Bodily Elements

1. Body 身形 신형
2. Supporting the Elderly [Appendix] 附養老 노인부양
3. Essence 精 정
4. Qi 氣 기
5. Spirit 神 신
6. Blood 血 피
7. Dreams 夢 꿈
8. Voice 聲音 목소리
9. Speech 言語 언어
10. Fluids and Humors 津液 진액
11. Phlegm and Fluid Retention 痰飮 담음
12. Five Viscera and Six Bowels 五臟六腑 오장육부
13. Liver 肝臟 간
14. Heart 心臟 심장
15. Spleen 脾臟 비
16. Lungs 肺臟 폐
17. Kidneys 腎臟 신장
18. Gallbladder 膽腑 담
19. Stomach 胃腑 위
20. Small Intestine 小腸腑 소장
21. Large Intestine 大腸腑 대장
22. Bladder 膀胱腑 방광
23. Triple Energizers 三焦腑 삼초
24. Uterus 胞 포
25. Parasites 蟲 충
26. Urine 小便 소변
27. Feces 大便 대변

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