Empowering Korea with New InnovationsZoom

Empowering Korea with New Innovations

Item# 8962971372
Author: Suk-Joon Kim, et al.
Publisher: Jimoondang
Hardcover | 248 pages | 223*152mm

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>>>This book is written in ENGLISH.

About This Book

This book discusses major challenges Korea faces in promoting R&D as it undergoes extensive economic, social and demographic changes. The Korean government has long put top priority on economic growth in the belief that a rising tide lifts all boats. Hence its R&D policy has been geared toward accelerating economic development. But in recent years, the benefits of economic growth have not trickled down to the poor. As a result, while the economy has continued to grow, poverty has been on the rise, aggravating social polarization. This has sharply increased demand for welfare, putting a strain on government finances.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Innovate for Society
`Smart governance¨ enhances social cohesion・Kim Suk-Joon
Technological innovation: A source of new jobs・Park Kibeom, Hong Seong-min
Technology as a new avenue to social innovation・Chang Young-bae
Science and technology for underprivileged・Ahn Doo-hyun, Song Wi-chin

Chapter 2. Governance Reform
Time to cure crisis in science and engineering・Park Kibeom
State-funded research institutes need reform・Min Chul-koo
Improving university financial aid programs・Park Kibeom, Min Chul-koo
Government 2.0 enhances use of public information・Lee Joo Ryang

Chapter 3. R&D Strategies
A new strategy to promote basic research・Lee Min-hyung
R&D gap widening between big firms, SMEs・Lee Joo Ryang, Kim Seok-hyeon
Restarting embryonic stem cell research・Ahn Doo-hyun
Korea's agricultural productivity and R&D investment Lag behind Major OECD Countries・Lee Joo Ryang
Service Innovations Require Big R&D Boost・Jang Pyoung-yol
Seoul should light a fire under service R&D・Jang Pyoung-yol

Chapter 4. Creative Innovations
Challenges for nurturing creative talents・Kim Wangdong, Seong Ji-eun
Creative innovation requires Convergence research・Song Wi-chin
Fostering science and technology champions・Hwang Seogwon, Jeong Gi-cheol

Chapter 5. Innovate by Linking
Promoting open innovation in public sector・Kim Seok-kwan
Promoting industry and academy cooperation・Hong Seong-min
Vitalizing civil-military technology cooperation・Hong Sung-bum

Chapter 6. Innovate in Market
Bringing university technologies to markets・Lee Yoon-jun
Selecting and nurturing high-impact firms・Lim Chae-yoon
Promoting one-person ventures at universities・Lee Kong-rae
How to develop post-mobile ecosystem and lead the market?・Hwang Seogwon, Jang Pyoung-yol


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