Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners 3 (w/ MP3 CD)
Publisher: Darakwon
192 pages | 280*210mm
w/ MP3 CD
About This Book
Organization/Composition of Each Unit
- Warming Up, in which vocabulary and expressions used in real
situations are introduced, Pattern Practice, in which each unit’s key
expressions are introduced
- Key Grammatical Patterns, in which selected grammatical patterns from
the main dialogue are explained, Conversation Practice, in which
learners practice substituting vocabulary and expressions using given
model dialogue, and Task 1 (Speaking), Task 2 (Reading & Writing), and
Task 3 (Listening), through which the material studied in each unit is
The Series Features
Designed with the short-term learner of Korean in mind, ‘Fast & Fun
Korean for Short-Term Learners’ is a 3-volume quick mastery textbook
series that introduces everyday vocabulary and concrete situational
dialogues practical for living in Korea. This second volume of the
series, ‘Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners 2’, is classified as
'Low Intermediate' in level of difficulty, connecting the first volume
'Basic' level with the third volume 'Intermediate' level.
- Essential vocabulary, grammar patterns, and dialogues chosen based on
their real-life usefulness.
- Comprehensive approach incorporating speaking, listening, reading, and
writing skills in a variety of task exercises.
- Linked study and review process of Warming up ? Pattern Practice ? Key
Grammatical Patterns ? Conversation Practice ? Tasks, allowing learners
to proceed through the text with ease.
- Includes various illustrations and photos for quick and easy
understanding of the content.
- Emphasis on developing in a short period of time the learner’s Korean
communication ability for real situations, much like training a
short-distance sprint runner as opposed to a marathon runner.
How to Use This Book
Table of Contents
Unit 01 얼마 만에 한국에 왔어요? 16
How long has it been since you last came to Korea?
Unit 02 난타 공연 본 적 있어요? 28
Have you seen the show, Nanta?
Unit 03 이쪽은 동아리 친구 이동수예요. 40
This is my fellow club member, Lee Dong-su
Unit 04 광화문에 가 봤는데 많이 변했더라고요. 52
I went to Gwanghwamun and a lot had changed
Unit 05 일기 예보에 따르면 미세 먼지가 심하대요. 64
The weather report says the fine dust is severe
Unit 06 여러 번 절하느라고 힘들겠다. 76
It must be difficult making so many bows
Unit 07 오늘 저녁은 시켜 먹는 게 어때요? 88
How about ordering delivery for dinner today?
Unit 08 전통 시장이 더 재미있거든요. 100
Traditional markets are more interesting, actually
Unit 09 집들이에 뭘 사 가는 게 좋아요? 112
What should I buy for the housewarming party?
Unit 10 비빔밥 하면 전주비빔밥이지. 124
If it’s bibimbap, then Jeonju Bibimbap is the one
Unit 11 마지막 버스를 놓칠 뻔했어요. 136
I almost missed the last bus
Unit 12 건강하게 지내고 다시 또 만나기 바랍니다. 148
Please take care, and I hope we meet again
Listening Transcripts
Key Patterns Translation
Availability: Usually ships in 1~2 business days.