First class passengers do not borrow pens
Translator: Yoon Eun Hye
Publisher: Joongang Books
228 pages | 130 * 200 * 20 mm /346g
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>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
Author Akiko Mizuki has been working as an international flight attendant for 16 years, serving first class passengers across Japan and foreign airlines. Working with First Class, the most dense space of successful people, and with the passengers who have made sense in their field, I found that there are common habits common to successful people. The long-time observation of the behavior and success habits of first-class passengers alone has led to a total of 1.5 million copies sold in Japan. Currently, we are operating CA-STYLE, a human resource development company that takes advantage of crew experience and targets companies. He is also a popular instructor who conducts lectures and training more than 180 times a year in Japan. The book includes "How to Find a Man at a Glance", "Sales of Enchantment," and "Manners of Working Women to Know in Their Twenties."
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