Grandmas Do Not Die
Author: Ji-young Gong
Publisher: Haenam
243 pages | 137 * 201 * 20 mm /356g
Publisher: Haenam
243 pages | 137 * 201 * 20 mm /356g
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
The novels protagonist moves to Seoul at a young age and works in a local factory. After reaching rock bottom, she returns to her hometown, but she still cannot seem to rise above her status as a low class worker. Upon returning home, she encounters several surprising events. Her grandmother has a brush with death and her other family members find themselves dealing with a different type of death.
The novel plays a unique role in Korean literature through the author's theme of forgiveness and reconciliation of sin as well as human growth through pain and agony.
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