The Great Illusion
Korean Title: Geodaehan Chakgak
Author: Woon-hwa Choi
Publisher: Econ
304 pages | 224*153mm
Author: Woon-hwa Choi
Publisher: Econ
304 pages | 224*153mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
Choi, CEO of Commonwealth Business Bank in the USA, invites us into the
search for the fundamental causes of the latest financial crisis
initially sparked by subprime mortgage fallout. His 20 year experiences
in American financial market tells him that it was more defective system
than individual and corporate greed that caused this global crisis.
Great illusion refers to the blind faith given to the market which led
to continual deregulation and lack of control.
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