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The Heavenly Man

Item# 893650214X
:The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun

Author: Brother Yun and Paul Hattaway
Publisher: Hong Sung Sa
Size: 150*215mm, 408pp

Brother Yun is one of the key leaders of the Back to Jerusalem movement. This is the story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan Province and used him mightily to preach the gospel despite intense persecution. Yun shares about how the BTJ vision has impacted his life and ministry. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus. This astonishing book will form a watershed in your spiritual life.

From the Book
Chapter I: Humble Beginnings
I was born in 1958... the fourth of five children in our family. I came into the world in an old traditional farming village named Liu Lao Zhuang... in the southern part of the China's Henan Province. ... Our home was a simple structure of compacted dried mud. The roof was made of straw. The rain always managed to find the holes in our roof.... When the temperature dropped below freezing we burned leftover corn husks to keep warm. We couldn't afford coal....(Page 17)

On September 1901, a large ship docked in Shanghai Port. A young single lady from Norway walked off the gangplank onto Chinese soil. ... Marie Monsen was one of a new wave of missionaries who, inspired by the martyrdoms of the previous year, had dedicated themselves to full-time missionary service in China. Monson stayed in China for more than thirty years. For a time she lived in my county... where she encouraged and trained a small group of Chinese believers....

She didn't seem too concerned with making a good impression on the Chinese church leaders. She often told them, "You are all hypocrites! You confess Jesus Christ with your lips while your hearts are not fully committed to Him! Repent before it is too late to escape God's judgment!" ...

Hearts were convicted of sin and fires of revival swept throughout the villages of central China wherever she went.... (Page 19-20)

China became a Communist nation in 1949. Within a few years all missionaries were expelled, church buildings were closed and thousands of Chinese pastors were imprisoned. Many lost their lives. My mother saw the missionaries leave Nanyang in the early 1950s. She never forgot the tears in their eyes as they headed for the coast under armed guard....

In just one city in China... 49 [Chinese] pastors were sent to prison labor camps near the Russian border.... 48 died in prison. (Page 20)

In my home area of Nanyang, believers were crucified on the walls of their churches for not denying Christ. ... One pastor was bound and attached to a long rope. The authorities, enraged that the man of God would not deny his faith, used a makeshift crane to lift him high into the air. Before hundreds of witnesses who had come to accuse him solely of being a "counter revolutionary," [Public interrogation and punishment built the public fear needed for government control] the pastor was asked on last time if he would recant. He shouted back, "No! I will never deny the Lord who saved me!" The rope was released and the pastor crashed to the ground below. (Page 21)

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