The Heavens, the Wind, the Stars and Poetry: The Works of Yun Tong-ju
by Yun, Tong-ju
Trans by David E. Shaffer
size: 24.7x17.3cm 254pages. hardcover. publisher: Hakmun Publishing, 1999.
Table of contents
1. The Heavens, the Winds, the Stars and Poetry
2. Poems of the Japan Study Perkod
3. Poems of the Pre-Japan Study Period
4. Newly Published Poems
5. Poems from "The Window" Collection
6. My Early Period Poems That Aren't Poems
7. The Works of Prose
8. Yun Tong-ju: His Life and His Poetry
9. Research
Trans by David E. Shaffer
size: 24.7x17.3cm 254pages. hardcover. publisher: Hakmun Publishing, 1999.
Table of contents
1. The Heavens, the Winds, the Stars and Poetry
2. Poems of the Japan Study Perkod
3. Poems of the Pre-Japan Study Period
4. Newly Published Poems
5. Poems from "The Window" Collection
6. My Early Period Poems That Aren't Poems
7. The Works of Prose
8. Yun Tong-ju: His Life and His Poetry
9. Research