Hi! Korean 2B Student's BookZoom

Hi! Korean 2B Student's Book

Item# 9788927733201
Hi! Korean 1A Student's Book
Publisher: Darakwon
264 pages / 188 * 257 mm / 502 g

About This Book

is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who started studying Korean due to their interest in Korean culture. It incorporates the latest trends in Korean culture into its content and provides various activities to master speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

Maintaining consistency from beginner to advanced levels, it organically presents speaking, listening, reading, and writing areas while separating listening and reading by topic to increase focus on each area. Particularly, it moves away from activity-centric problem-solving and in higher levels, expands learning through speaking and writing activities to enhance communication skills.

The overall structure of includes 10 Student Books (4 beginner, 4 intermediate, 2 advanced) along with separate Grammar and Vocabulary Study Guides, and 10 Workbooks (4 beginner, 4 intermediate, 2 advanced) available for separate purchase.

Among them, is the first book in the series aimed at learners encountering Korean for the first time. It covers learning Korean consonants and vowels, essential grammar, and vocabulary needed for practical daily conversations such as introduction expressions, date and time expressions, and shopping phrases commonly encountered in real-life situations.

머리말 02
일러두기 04
목차 16
교재 구성표 18

Chapter 7 대중교통
7-1 어디에서 교통 카드를 충전하는지 알아요? 26
7-2 곧장 가다가 가까운 횡단보도 앞에서 세워 주세요 38
7-3 한 단계 오르기 50

Chapter 8 계절
8-1 지금 밖에 비가 오는 것 같아요 60
8-2 벚꽃 축제에 가려고 인터넷을 검색하고 있어요 72
8-3 한 단계 오르기 84

Chapter 9 건강
9-1 감기가 이제 다 나았어요 94
9-2 저는 일찍 일어나는 편이에요 106
9-3 한 단계 오르기 118

Chapter 10 집
10-1 이 집에 산 지 반 년이 됐어요 128
10-2 제 방에는 예쁜 그림이 걸려 있어요 140
10-3 한 단계 오르기 152

Chapter 11 감정
11-1 늦잠을 자서 비행기를 놓칠 뻔했어요 162
11-2 친구들이 모두 즐거워했어 174
11-3 한 단계 오르기 186

Chapter 12 방학 계획
12-1 방학이라서 아르바이트를 하려고 해요 196
12-2 방학에 여행을 가기로 했어요 208
12-3 한 단계 오르기 220

정답 230
듣기 대본·읽기 지문 번역 244
대화 번역 251
문법 및 발음 설명 번역 255
색인 261

Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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