A History of Christian Churches in KoreaZoom

A History of Christian Churches in Korea

Item# 8971417161
Author: Kyoung Bae Min
Publisher: Yonsei University Press
652 pages | 176X248mm

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>>>This book is written in English.

About This Book

There has been long in demand of a comprehensive one-volume history of the Churches in Korea since the coming of the Christianity down to the present day.

The author focused his pen on the miraculous growth of the Churches in Korea which has been rightly called the marvel of the modern world history and on the process of the formation of a national Church amidst the complicated international relations in the Far East - Korea, Japan and United States.

It can be confidently asserted that this major work from his pen will take its place as authoritative and lasting value.


The Preface

I. Early Contacts of Christianity with Korea
  1. A Contact of Nestorians with Korea through the Tang
  2. Roman Catholicism Contacted via Mongolia
  3. Contact with Christianity through Japanese Invasion

II. Roman Catholicism in Korea
  4. Seeking After Truth Before the Western Mission
  5. Christianity Experienced as Heterogeneity against the System and Tradition
  6. Hwang Sayung Incident
  7. Sung-Jaesang-Su of Chung Hasang
  8. Foreign Contacts of Modern Korea and Persecutions

III. Protestant Church in Korea
  9. Korea as the Soil for the Christian Missions
  10. Type of Protestant Faith Introduced into Korea
  11. Early Korean Church and the Form of Faith
  12. Mission Policy of the Foreign Missionary
  13. Korean Churches in the Process of Forming
  14. Christian Life and the Faith Formed
  15. Church under the Cross
  16. Korean Church and the March-First Movement
  17. Church and Social Changes
  18. Beginning of Sectarian Movements and Ecumenical Movements
  19. Mysticism of Rev. Lee Yonder
  20. Church in Crisis Searching Site to Stand On
  21. Bush Burning Yet Not Consumed
  22. And the Evening and the Morning Were
  23. New Atmosphere in Korean Church



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