Interpreter, Park Tong SaZoom

Interpreter, Park Tong Sa

Item# 9788957265918
Author: Sook Young Jang
Publisher: Korean Culture
226 pages 153 * 224 mm

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>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

""Syntax" of "Park" means "backstroke," which means "backstroke with Park Sung", but it is not certain. In other words, 'Noh Hangdae', which means 'Chinese tongue,' is an honorific title for the Chinese dictator, and 'Paksha' refers to the Korean interpreter. It is divided into 106 sections and has a format of completion once without a consistent story. As in the case of "Nonggaldae", the Chinese pronunciation and the Korean word are mentioned. "Nonggaldae" is similar to "business painting", which is a trader's trading activity. It is considered to be a difference from the "Noh Hangul", and its content covers a much higher level than "Noh Hangul". It is presumed to have been edited in the end of Goryeo along with the "Noh ruler". It is not only a vivid figure of Chinese and Korean but also a material of contemporary customs and cultural institutions.

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