In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People
Author: George K. Simon Jr.
Translator: Eun-gyong Cho
Publisher: Momento
200 pages | 223*152mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
From the Introduction: Perhaps the following scenarios will sound
familiar. A wife tries to sort out her feelings. She's mad at her
husband for insisting their daughter make all "A"s. But she doubts she
has the right to be mad. When she told him she thought he was being too
demanding, his comeback "Shouldn't any good parent want their child to
do well and succeed in life?" made her feel like the insensitive one. In
fact, whenever she confronts him, she somehow ends up feeling like the
bad guy herself. When she suggested there might be more to her
daughter's problems than there appeared at first glance, and that the
family should seek counseling, his retort "Are you saying I'm
psychiatrically disturbed?" made her feel ashamed for asking. She often
tries to assert her point of view, but always ends up giving in to his.
Sometimes, she thinks the problem really is him, believing him to be
selfish, ruthless and controlling. But this is a loyal husband, good
provider and a respected member of the community. By all rights she
shouldn't resent him. Yet, she does. So she constantly wonders if there
isn't something wrong with her. A mother tries desperately to understand
her daughter's behavior. No young girl, she thought, would threaten to
leave home, say things like "Everybody hates me" and "I wish I were
never born," unless she were very insecure, afraid, and probably
depressed. Part of her thinks her daughter is still the same child who
used to hold her breath until she turned blue or threw tantrums whenever
she didn't get her way. After all, it seems she only says and does those
things when she's facing discipline or is trying to get her way. But a
part of her is afraid to believe that. "What if she really believes what
she's saying?," she wonders. "What if I've really done something to hurt
her and I just don't realize it?," she worries. She hates to be
"bullied" by all the threats and emotional displays her daughter
exhibits whenever she doesn't get what she wants. But she can't take the
chance her daughter might really be hurting, can she? Besides, children
don't bully unless underneath it all they really feel insecure or
threatened in some way, do they? When you're being manipulated, chances
are that someone is fighting with you for something but in a way that's
difficult to see. Covert-aggression is the heart of manipulation.
"This book clearly illustrates the true nature of disturbed
characters, exposes the tactics the most manipulative characters use to
pull the wool over the eyes of others, and outlines powerful, practical
ways to deal more effectively with manipulative people."
About the Author
George K. Simon, Jr. received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from
Texas Tech University. He has studied manipulators and their victims for
over 10 years and given numerous workshops and seminars on covert-
aggressive personalities. Dr. Simon consults to various agencies and
institutions and maintains a private practice.