Jude the Obscure (2-Volume Set)Zoom

Jude the Obscure (2-Volume Set)

Item# 8937461455-63
Korean Title: Ireumeomneun Jude
Author: Thomas Hardy
Translator: Jong-hwa Jeong
Publisher: Minumsa
2-volume set | 225*133mm

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>>>This book is written in Korean.
>>>This is a multi-unit set and the shipping cost will be adjusted to that of 2 books. To learn more about the shipping cost,
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>>>You may purchase individual volume(s) instead of the entire set. To do so, please clearly state, in the Comments box during the check-out process, which volume(s) only you want to purchase. We will modify your order accordingly, after your order is submitted.

About This Book

Because of its frank treatment of human sexuality and its unflinching fatalism, Jude the Obscure aroused such a storm of controversy upon its publication in 1895 that, partly in response, Thomas Hardy abandoned the art of novel-writing altogether and devoted the rest of his life to poetry. Though we have come a long way in our social attitudes in the ensuing century, nothing about Hardy's masterpiece has lost its power to shock us and disturb our dreams.

Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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