Korean for Beginners - Reading Zoom

Korean for Beginners - Reading

Item# 9781565912489
Publisher: Hollym
Author: Chung-sook Kim, Hang-rok Cho, Mi-hye Lee & Jin-sook Won
Date of Publication March, 2008
Number of Page 224 pp
Details 18.2 x 25.7 cm / soft cover

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in Korean & English.

About This Book

Reading Korean for Beginners

A beginner's reading comprehension ability is the ability to read sentences that are frequently encountered in everyday life and to obtain the necessary information in basic social meetings. This book contains practical content that beginners will encounter in real life situations, as well as educational assignments that are properly suited for anyone at the elementary stage. The book also allows readers to understand conversations beyond the individual sentence structures and patterns. To further this point, the book gives appropriate questions and necessary Korean culture tips at each stage of learning.

Availability: Unavailable.

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