Korean Grammar in Use - Intermediate
Publisher: Darakwon
432 pages | 256*186mm
About This Book
This is the second volume in the Korean Grammar in Use series which is
bestselling book for the learners of Korean, one of the most effective
texts for learning Korean grammar. Along with the first volume,
Beginning to Early Intermediate, which covered the major grammar points
learned in most introductory (Levels 1 and 2) Korean courses, this
Intermediate volume covers the major grammar points learned in
intermediate (Levels 3 and 4) Korean courses. Together, they form a
full-scale, comprehensive Korean reference grammar. Realizing that most
other Korean grammar books target beginning learners only, the authors
have answered the needs of intermediate level students who want a more
systematic way to focus on grammar. In addition, this series serves as a
general Korean reference grammar that can be used by Korean language
instructors both in Korea and abroad who experience first-hand the
difficulty of teaching Korean grammar.
Go beyond the basics to 'Intermediate'!
-TOPIK Levels 3 & 4 Grammar!
Collects the introductory grammar points normally taught in Levels 3 and
4 at most university affiliated and private language institutes. In
addition, this volume includes practice pattern exercises to help
students prepare for the TOPIK Intermediate level.
-Target Grammar Primary and Secondary Meanings At a Glance!
Organizes grammar points not as a list that simply must be learned, but
as integrated groups of grammar points with similar meanings, usages,
and written forms to better illustrate their differences and provide
learners with the various meanings, restrictions, and other things to
keep in mind when learning them.
-Dialogues Full of Real-Life Uses of Grammar!
Students will learn to make their own dialogues that use the target
grammar points in ways most commonly used in real Korean conversation.
The dialogues used are not simply sentences constructed for the purpose
of illustrating grammar, but rather examples that reflect practical,
real-life Korean conversations.
-Easy Individualized Use by Both Students and Teachers!
Not only can students more easily master a variety of difficult Korean
grammar points, instructors can also benefit by having an accessible,
easy-to-use reference for explaining such difficult aspects of Korean
grammar in class.
Availability: Usually ships in 1~2 business days.