Korean Leaders Leading America 2
Author: Ji-haye Hyun
Publisher: Huizbooks
446 pages | 195 * 251 * 25 mm /1146g
Ji-young Suk John H. Watson, Jr. Professor of Law Harvard Law School
Marvin Chun Richard M. Colgate Professor of Psychology Yale University
Hey Kyoung Lee Associate Professor of Johns Hopkins Neuroscience
Moon Nahm - Professor of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care University of Alabama at Birminghams School of Medicine
Sue Mi Terry Senior Research Scholar - Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asian Institute
Byung Sik Hong - D.B.A., Program Administrator; Professor, Business - Pacific States University
Dennis Hong - Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering UCLA
Jehoon Lee - USC Social Works NETKAL Director University of Southern California-
Tom Lee Professor of Electrical Engineering Stanford University
Sunny Chong Teacher Clair Lilienthal K-8 Alternative School
Jae Won Shin Associate Administrator of NASA
Myung Hee Sung NIA Laboratory Scientist National Institutes of Health
Ron Kim Assemblyman - New York State
Mark Keam - Assemblyman Virginia State
Michelle Park Steel County Supervisor Orange County District 2
SeokhoChoi California State Assemblyman- Los Angeles, Orange County, Irvine
David Ryu City Council Los Angeles County District 2
Ann Park Judge Orange County, California
Hyepin Im Founder and CEO Korean Christian Community Development
Sam Yoon Director Council of Korean American
Publisher: Huizbooks
446 pages | 195 * 251 * 25 mm /1146g
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