Korea in the Global Wave of Democratization
by Myung-han Cho, Do-Chul Shin, & Myung Choi (eds.)
size: A5, 302pages. publisher: Seoul National University Press, 1995.
Table of contents
002. Registering
003. Housing
004. Houspitality
005. Answering Questions About Yourself
006. Describing Your-Job
007. Making a Business Phone Call
008. Making Introductions
009. Talking about the Weather, Seasons
010. Understanding and Giving Directions
011. Going to the Post Office
012. Going to the Cleaner's
013. Going to the Public Library
014. Describing People; In the Barber Shop
015. Going to the Bank
016. Getting an Education
017. Shopping by Mail-Order Catalog
018. Spending Leisure Time
019. Discussing Plans for the Weekend; Talking about Last Weekend
020. Going to a Movie
021. Watching Television
022. Going to the Zoo
023. Going on Vacation
024. Traveling in Korean
025. Traveling by Plane
026. Transportation in America
027. Eating in a Cafe
028. Staying in a Motel
029. Celebrating a Child's First Birthday
030. MBook II
031. Accepting an Invitation; Turning down an Invitation
032. Going to a Party
033. Being Invited to Dinner
034. Dining in Restaurant
035. Talking about Korean food
036. Buying Groceries in a Supermaket
037. Going to a Shoppin gCenter
038. Going to a Drugstore; Using a Landromat
039. Shopping in East Gate Market
040. Understanding and Giving Directions
041. Making a Long-Distance phone call
042. Not feeling Well
043. Looking for an Apartment
044. Obtaining a Driver's License
045. Receiving and Giving Gifts
046. Women and Social Roles
047. Describing Korean Home
048. Discussing Korean Marriage Customs
049. Discussing Korean Funeral Customs
050. Discussing Reasons for Going Abroad
051. Getting an Education
052. Discussing Racial Discrimination in the U.S.
053. Discussing Elections
054. Discussing Population in Korea; Discussing Change in Korea
055. Discussing the Lunar Calendar
056. Dealing with Emergencies
057. Checks and Credit Cards
size: A5, 302pages. publisher: Seoul National University Press, 1995.
Table of contents
002. Registering
003. Housing
004. Houspitality
005. Answering Questions About Yourself
006. Describing Your-Job
007. Making a Business Phone Call
008. Making Introductions
009. Talking about the Weather, Seasons
010. Understanding and Giving Directions
011. Going to the Post Office
012. Going to the Cleaner's
013. Going to the Public Library
014. Describing People; In the Barber Shop
015. Going to the Bank
016. Getting an Education
017. Shopping by Mail-Order Catalog
018. Spending Leisure Time
019. Discussing Plans for the Weekend; Talking about Last Weekend
020. Going to a Movie
021. Watching Television
022. Going to the Zoo
023. Going on Vacation
024. Traveling in Korean
025. Traveling by Plane
026. Transportation in America
027. Eating in a Cafe
028. Staying in a Motel
029. Celebrating a Child's First Birthday
030. MBook II
031. Accepting an Invitation; Turning down an Invitation
032. Going to a Party
033. Being Invited to Dinner
034. Dining in Restaurant
035. Talking about Korean food
036. Buying Groceries in a Supermaket
037. Going to a Shoppin gCenter
038. Going to a Drugstore; Using a Landromat
039. Shopping in East Gate Market
040. Understanding and Giving Directions
041. Making a Long-Distance phone call
042. Not feeling Well
043. Looking for an Apartment
044. Obtaining a Driver's License
045. Receiving and Giving Gifts
046. Women and Social Roles
047. Describing Korean Home
048. Discussing Korean Marriage Customs
049. Discussing Korean Funeral Customs
050. Discussing Reasons for Going Abroad
051. Getting an Education
052. Discussing Racial Discrimination in the U.S.
053. Discussing Elections
054. Discussing Population in Korea; Discussing Change in Korea
055. Discussing the Lunar Calendar
056. Dealing with Emergencies
057. Checks and Credit Cards