Korean Vocabulary Practice for foreigners: intermediateZoom

Korean Vocabulary Practice for foreigners: intermediate

Item# 9788971419663
Korean Vocabulary Practice for foreigners: intermediate
Korean Title: 외국인을 위한 한국어 어휘 연습 : 중급
Author: Yonsei Unniversity KLI
Publisher: Yonsei Unniversity Press
377 page / 188*257mm (B5)

About This Book

머리말 (Preface)
일러두기 (Introductory Remarks)
내용구성 (Subject Map)

01 사람 (People)
02 일상생활 (Daily Life)
03 건강 (Health)
04 음식 (Food)
05 가정 (Family)
06 인간관계 (Relationships)
07 학교와 수업 (School and Class)
08 경제 (Economy)
09 사회 (Society)
10 문화 (Culture)
11 속담, 관용어, 한자성어, 의태어, 의성어 (Proverbs, Idioms, Chinese character phrases, Mimertic words, Onomatopoeias)

정답 (Answers)
색인 (Index)

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