Modern Korean Fiction Bilingual Edition 3 (15-Volume Set)Zoom

Modern Korean Fiction Bilingual Edition 3 (15-Volume Set)

Item# 9788994006949
Out-of-Print-Permanently Unavailable
Author: 15 Korean Novelists
Publisher: Asia Publisher
15-vol. set | 115 * 188 mm

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>>>This book is written in Korean & English.

About This Book

  • 서울 Seoul
    31 눈사람 속의 검은 항아리(The Dark Jar within the Snowman)-김소진 (So-jin Kim)
    32 오후, 가로지르다(Traversing Afternoon)-하성란 (Seng-ran Ha)
    33 나는 봉천동에 산다(I Live in Bongcheon dong)-조경란(Kyung-ran Cho)
    34 그렇습니까? 기린입니다(Is That So I m A Giraffe)-박민규(Min-gyu Park)
    35 성탄특선(Christmas Specials)-김애란 (Ae-ran Kim)

  • 전통 Tradition
    36 무자년의 가을 사흘(3 Days of Autumn-1948)-서정인(Jung-in Seo)
    37 유자소전(A Brief Biography of Yuja)-이문구(Yi Mun-gu)
    38 향기로운 우물 이야기(The Fragrant Well )-박범신 (Bum-shin Park)
    39 월행(A Journey under the Moonlight )-송기원 (Ki-won Song)
    40 협죽도 그늘 아래(In the Shade of the Oleander )-성석제 (Sok-ze Song)

  • 아방가르드 Avant garde
    41 아겔다마(Akeldama )-박상륭 (Sang-ryoong Park)
    42 내 영혼의 우물(A Well in My Soul)-최인석 (In-seok Choi)
    43 당신에 대해서(On You)-이인성 (In-seong Lee)
    44 회색 時(Time in Gray)-배수아(Su-ah Bae)
    45 브라운 부인(Mrs. Brown )-정영문(Young-moon Jung)

    Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.
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