Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal AchievementZoom

Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement

Item# 9788974259693
Korean Title: Nochigo Ship-ji Aneun Na-eui Kkum Naeui Insaeng 3
Author: Napoleon Hill
Translator: Ji-hyun Lee
Publisher: Gook-il Media
208 pages

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>>>This book is written in Korean only.

About This Book

Hill's Think and Grow Rich! (1937) is one of the best-selling inspirational business books of all time and remains influential to this day. The foundation that bears his name has taken Hill's thinking and philosophy, updated it with contemporary examples, and published it under this title. Dale Carnegie-esque and user-friendly, this work contains practical advice for success. If some of these ideas seem familiar, it is because later writers have latched onto them and presented them in more abstract terms; but the advice remains solid. Of particular interest is the section on the major causes of personal failure. No one could go wrong trying to follow Hill's commonsense exhortations and principles. Good public library fare, especially where Hill's other works are in demand.

About The Author

Born into poverty in 1883, Napoleon Hill rose to become one of the world’s most distinguished and respected authors. He moved from newspaper reporter to law student to working for Andrew Carnegie, and became a confidant and advisor to businessmen and presidents. Hill has counted among his many associates Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and hundreds of other world leaders.

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