The Night I Must DieZoom

The Night I Must Die

Item# 9791162205884
Title: The Night I Must Die
Author: Sebastian Ficheck
Translator: Bae Myung-ja
Publisher: Wisdom House
ISBN: 9791162205884
460p | 135 * 200mm | 540g

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>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

This is a thriller novel by Sebastian Picchic called "Synonym of Psycho Thriller" by . This novel, which sold more than 700,000 copies in Germany and maintained its best-selling position for 50 consecutive weeks, is a masterpiece that draws into the breathtaking twelve hours of 'murder live game', thinking about mass insanity and city punishment.

When Ben confirmed the message, "I think he was in danger," his daughter Yulet had already thrown himself on the rooftop. Two weeks after that, eerie things start to unfold around Ben in despair. The word '8N8' in the place where I ran after the scream of a horrified woman. The appearance of a suspicious website that anticipates an absurd murder game.

The secret and dangerous proposal that the 'queen of hunting' Diana gave you. In the middle of downtown Ben, who witnessed on the big screen, his face. And the number on his forehead, '8', on the screen ... ... . An ominous foreboding gradually loosens the body of Ben, and as the clock's needle points to 8:08, he becomes a prey of the murder game that the whole world pursues.

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