No Country for Old Men
Author: Cormac Mccarthy
Translator: Jae-seo Im
Publisher: Sapiens21
344 pages | 223*152mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
Seven years after Cities of the Plain brought his acclaimed Border
Trilogy to a close, McCarthy returns with a mesmerizing modern-day
western. In 1980 southwest Texas, Llewelyn Moss, hunting antelope near
the Rio Grande, stumbles across several dead men, a bunch of heroin and
$2.4 million in cash. The bulk of the novel is a gripping man-on-the-run
sequence relayed in terse, masterful prose as Moss, who's taken the
money, tries to evade Wells, an ex-Special Forces agent employed by a
powerful cartel, and Chigurh, an icy psychopathic murderer armed with a
cattle gun and a dangerous philosophy of justice. Also concerned about
Moss's whereabouts is Sheriff Bell, an aging lawman struggling with his
sense that there's a new breed of man (embodied in Chigurh) whose
destructive power he simply cannot match. In a series of thoughtful
first-person passages interspersed throughout, Sheriff Bell laments the
changing world, wrestles with an uncomfortable memory from his service
in WWII and - a soft ray of light in a book so steeped in bloodshed -
rejoices in the great good fortune of his marriage. While the action of
the novel thrills, it's the sensitivity and wisdom of Sheriff Bell that
makes the book a profound meditation on the battle between good and evil
and the roles choice and chance play in the shaping of a life. --From
Publishers Weekly
Availability: Unavailable.