No Regret (Region-1)

Item# noregretus
Out-of-Print-Permanently Unavailable
Korean Title: Huhoehaji Ana
Starring: Lee Han, Lee Young-Hun, Jo Hyeon-Cheol
Director: Leesong Hee-Il
Studio: Liberation Entertainment (US)
Rating: 18+
Genre: Drama / Gay & Lesbian

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>>>This DVD is encoded for Region 1 (See below to make sure which region code is designated to your area). This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made for other regions unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players.
  * Region 1 - US, US Territories, Canada, Bermuda  /  * Region 2 - Japan, Europe, S Africa, ME incl. Egypt  /  * Region 3 - SE Asia, E Asia incl. S Korea and Hog Kong  /  * Region 4 - Australia, New Zealand, C & S America, Pacific Islands, The Caribbean  /  * Region 5 - Former Soviet Union, Indian Subcontinent, Africa, N Korea, Mongolia  /  * Region 6 - China

About This DVD

Beautiful, daring, and haunting, No Regret represents a breakthrough for both Korean queer cinema and independent filmmaking. Opening in only nine theaters, the gay-themed film not only garnered great reviews, it also managed to attract 40,000 moviegoers, setting a new box office record for an indie film. No Regret is the debut feature from Lee Song Hee Il, Korea's first openly gay filmmaker. Lee Song has long been a familiar name in the festival circuit, having directed the acclaimed short films "Sugar Hill", "Good Romance", and "La Traviata", which was a part of the omnibus Camellia Project - Three Queer Stories At Bogil Island (Region-3). In No Regret, he continues to delicately explore universal themes of love and sexuality set against uncommon relationships.

No Regret presents complex, well-rounded characters that do not occupy convenient stereotypes. Lee Young Hoon, who starred in Lee Song's "Good Romance", gives a stirring performance opposite Lee Han, who also appeared in last year's award-winning indie film Don't Look Back. The two young actors portray men of vastly different backgrounds, and the film subtly brings out issues of class structure, sexual orientation, and gay culture with both gravitas and good humor. The story is anything but predictable, capturing both the beauty and sorrow of love, heartache, and a life lived with No Regret.

Turning 18 years of age, Su Min (Lee Young Hoon) leaves his orphanage and moves to Seoul, working various jobs to save up money for university. After losing his job at the factory, Su Min ends up working as a male escort at a gay bar. Already close to hitting rock bottom, Su Min's life gets both more chaotic and more meaningful when Jae Min (Lee Han) walks into his life. Coming from a wealthy, conservative background, Jae Min keeps his sexual orientation hidden from his family. Although he is already engaged, Jae Min is willing to give up everything to be with Su Min, and the two fall into a passionate relationship. But when the realities of life catch up, love may not be enough.

Audio Format: DD 2.0 Stereo
Video Format: Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic) 
Languages: Korean
Subtitles: English
Country Made: Korea 
Region Code: 1
Year Made: 2006 
Running Time: 112
Special Features: -

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