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The Grapes of Wrath/Of Mice and Men
The Grapes of Wrath/Of Mice and Men
The Grapes of Wrath/Of Mice and Men
Item#: 9788949715582
Regular price: $22.64
Sale price: $19.25

Product Description
Korean Title: Bunno eui Podo/Saengjwiwa Ingan
Author: John Ernst Steinbeck
Publisher: Dongseo Munhwa sa
696 pages | 154*226 mm

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>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

The Grapes of Wrath
First published in 1939, Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads—driven from their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. Out of their trials and their repeated collisions against the hard realities of an America divided into Haves and Have-Nots evolves a drama that is intensely human yet majestic in its scale and moral vision, elemental yet plainspoken, tragic but ultimately stirring in its human dignity. A portrait of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless, of one man’s fierce reaction to injustice, and of one woman’s stoical strength, the novel captures the horrors of the Great Depression and probes into the very nature of equality and justice in America. At once a naturalistic epic, captivity narrative, road novel, and transcendental gospel, Steinbeck’s powerful landmark novel is perhaps the most American of American Classics.

Of Mice and Men
The tragic story of the complex bond between two migrant laborers in Central California. They are George Milton and Lennie Small, itinerant ranch hands who dream of one day owning a small farm. George acts as a father figure to Lennie, who is a very large, simpleminded man, calming him and helping to reign in his immense physical strength.

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