The PartnerZoom

The Partner

Item# 9788952735577
Title: The Partner
Korean Title: 파트너
Author: John Grisham
Publisher: Sigongsa
ISBN: 9788952735577
Hardcover / 542 pages / 152*223mm / 976g

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>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

The eighth volume of the John Grisham Best Collection series. It will present a breakthrough in the composition of Kwon Seon-jingak, a traditional theme of court novels. The character of a lawyer who cleverly escapes the net of law, choosing the path of criminals to find individual freedom and happiness, is different from the image of justice that Grisham has pursued so far.

Mississippi's promising young lawyer Patrick Lannigan is fleeing to Brazil after stealing $90 million from his law firm client. His new life is a series of anxieties and fears about when and where he will be caught. Patrick was attacked by a chaser in a jungle in Brazil. Tortured in the pursuers' den, he is taken home by the FBI.

His return after four years was greeted by double triple charges and multiple arrows, including first-class murder, abandonment of the body and embezzlement of public funds. Patrick's lawyer prepares a startling attack on prosecutors, the FBI, and colleagues and clients of a law firm that was sharpening multiple knives, and his lover tries to rescue him.

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