Pororo Writing Korean (100 words)Zoom

Pororo Writing Korean (100 words)

Item# 8809226726167
Author: Kidsicon
Publisher: Kidsicon
44 pages | 297 * 210 mm /253g

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

Pororo Writing Korean (100 words)

  • Step 1: Build handwriting skills by follow straight, crooked, and squiggly lines
  • Step 2: Learn the stroke orders of each vowel and consonant
  • Step 3: Identify objects by picture and write the names of objects
  • Step 4: Become familiar with combining consonants with vowels by playing various included games
  • Included: A Certificate of Completion and stickers

    Availability:Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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