Puzzle (Region-3)Zoom

Puzzle (Region-3)

Item# puzzle
Korean Title: Dunoe Yuhi Project Puzzle
Starring: Ju Jin-Mo, Mun Seong-Geun, Park Jun-Seok
Director: Kim Tae-Kyung
Studio: Art Service
Rating: 18+
Genre: Drama

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About This DVD

Parties with hundreds of guests and foreign press, banner ads all over the Internet even when the film is still in production, bus and magazine ads for weeks, TV appearances and dozens of trailers. Those are normal marketing ploys in today's Chungmuro, but Kim Tae Kyung's The Puzzle decided to do things a little differently: it started and completed shooting without a single word written about it, no mention on TV or elsewhere. It certainly wasn't for lack of star power, as the crime thriller features Ju Jin Mo (Fashion Seventies), Moon Sung Keun (Princess Aurora, Hanbando), and famous TV personality Hong Seok Cheon. But after controversies over the increasingly powerful influence of marketing on a film's performance (or lack thereof), they decided to let the film speak for itself.

Hwan, Ryu, Noh, Jung and Gyu. Five people, no connections or previous knowledge of each other. The mysterious X asks these five people to steal an important document inside a bank, the reward too appealing to refuse despite the difficult mission. But beyond everything they have to go through, who is this X, orchestrating the pieces of this puzzle like a puppet master? The debut film of short film director Kim Tae Kyung, The Puzzle is not only interesting for its innovative marketing strategy, but earns points for the originality of its plot and its style itself, and is a worthy competitor for films of the genre released with much more fanfare.

Audio Format: DTS, DD 5.1
Video Format: Widescreen 2.35:1 (Anamorphic) 
Languages: Korean
Subtitles: English, Korean
Country Made: Korea 
Region Code: 3
Year Made: 2006
Running Time: 76
Special Features: Disc 1:
The Film
Audio Commentary with Director Kim Tae Kyung, Moon Sung Keun, Hong Seok Cheon, Kim Hyun Sung, Park Joon Seok

Disc 2:
Interview with the Cast
Making Of Documentary
Featurette about the Music
Teaser Trailer
Theatrical Trailer
Reconstructing the Plot

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