Sejong Korean 4B: Vocabulary and Grammar (Kor ver.)Zoom

Sejong Korean 4B: Vocabulary and Grammar (Kor ver.)

Item# 9788997134458
Title: Sejong Korean Vocabulary and Grammar 4B
Korean Title: 세종한국어 4B 어휘표현과 문법
Author: National Institute of the Korean Language
Publisher: Gong and Park
ISBN: 9788997134458
52 page / 148*210mm

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

In addition to the vocabulary and expressions learned in each unit of the basic textbook, new vocabularies that appear at each stage are gathered together.
In addition, the grammar part concisely described essential information such as the form information and usage of grammar.
It is produced in a small size to increase portability, and efficiency is added by using each other's languages in Korean and English in terms of vocabulary, expression, grammar, and index.

Part 1 Vocabulary and expressions

Part 2 Grammar

Appendix Index 1 (in alphabetical order)
Index (in Korean alphabetical order)

Index 2 (ABC order)
Index (in English alphabetical order)

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