Shinsukgi Blues (Region-3 / 2 Disc Set)Zoom

Shinsukgi Blues (Region-3 / 2 Disc Set)

Item# 3532430366
Korean Title: Shinsukgi Blues
Starring: Kim Hyun-Joo, Lee Sung-Jae
Director: Kim Ko-Hyuk
Studio: KD Media
Rating: 15+
Genre: Comedy

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>>>This DVD is encoded for Region 3. This DVD will NOT be viewable on regular DVD players made in the U.S.A., European countries or Japan unless they are code-(region-)free DVD players. To learn more about DVD Region Code, please visit our Info Page and look for Info on DVD Region Code in Return Policy section.

About This DVD

"I am in my friend's body!"
Suk-gi is perfect in everyway but cold-hearted lawyer. He meets his old friend but both get involved in an accident and severely hurt. When he wakes up, he finds himself in his friend's ugly body. He has to live his friend's life from now on...

Two men named Shinsukki trade places in Shinsukki Blues, a hilarious Korean comedy about one - and maybe more - unexpected reversals of fortune! Handsome, capable lawyer Shinsukki (Lee Jong Hyuk) gets caught in an elevator accident with another lawyer (Lee Sung Jae of Attack the Gas Station), who's coincidentally named Shinsukki, too! But the men couldn't be more different; while the capable Shinsukki is a good-looking, talented lawyer, the other Shinsukki is ugly, bungling, and a terrible lawyer, to boot.

As if that contrast weren't enough, handsome Shinsukki gets stuck in a coma, but his mind is trapped in ugly Shinsukki's body! Now rich legal eagle Shinsukki must make do with lousy lawyer Shinsukki's shabby body. His law career goes to the dogs and his life seems to be a total mess until a promising new client shows up. Unfortunately, fate isn't done with him yet: his new client, Seo Ji Young (Kim Hyun Ju), was fired by Shinsukki back when he was a handsome, hotshot lawyer working in a plush law office!

Actor Lee Sung Jae, who looked so cool in Attack the Gas Station, gives an eye-opening comedic performance in Shinsukki Blues. Instead of a striking or handsome character, Lee appears with laugh-inducing buck teeth and a gruesome Carrot Top perm. Catch the actor's priceless comedic performance in Shinsukki Blees!

Audio Format: DD 5.1 Surround
Video Format: Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic) 
Languages: Korean
Subtitles: English, Korean  
Country Made: Korea 
Region Code: 3
Year Made: 2004 
Running Time: 116
Special Features: - Audio commentary with the director and cast
- About the music
- VIP premiere
- Deleted scenes (with audio commentary by the director)
- Storyboards
- Photo sessions for poster artwork
- Making of the film
- Photo gallery
- About the special effects
- Making of Shinsukki
- Art of Shinsukki Blues
- Music video
- Trailers
Availability: Usually ships in 5-10 days
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