The Shape Game (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honors)
Author: Anthony Browne
Translator: Ae-keong Seo
24 pages.
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean only. |
About This Book
The same family that had such an enlightening experience in Anthony Browne's Zoo
is now going to an art museum, Mom's choice for her birthday treat. But
wisecracking Dad and their two sons are skeptical about how much fun this trip
will be, and they're not quite sure what to make of the art. ("What on earth is
that supposed to be?" asks Dad.) But, with Mom's help, once the boys start
really looking at the paintings, they begin to find what pleasures they contain.
Most of the family leave with a new appreciation of art ? Dad is just never
going to get it ? as well as a sketchbook. On the trip home, Mom teaches the
boys ? and readers ? a drawing game, which one of her sons (this book's author)
has been playing ever since.
This new book is the product of Anthony Browne's engagement as
writer-and-illustrator-in-residence at the Tate Britain in London. There he
worked with a thousand children from inner-city schools, teaching literature
using the resources in the gallery ? and playing the shape game. In his artwork
for the book, he surreally transforms, in his signature style, some famous
paintings in the Tate's collection.
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