Silla Kingdom At a Glance
Author: Young-gyu Park
ISBN : 9788901047522(8901047527)
504 pages |152 * 223 mm (A5
ISBN : 9788901047522(8901047527)
504 pages |152 * 223 mm (A5
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
This book is the new and updated version of the 2001 edition of Silla Kingdom At a Glance.
This edition follows the 1000 year history of the Silla Dynasty from the rule of King Hyeokgeoseo to King Kyungsoon. In addition, this new edition includes references from the author’s other publications such as Sam Gook Yoo Sa (삼국유사 The Three Kingdoms), Il Bon Suh Kee (일본서기 Chronicles of Japan), as well as Hwa Rang Sae Kee (화랑세기 The Silla Century>.
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