A Taxi Driver in ParisZoom

A Taxi Driver in Paris

Item# 893647118X
Korean Title: Naneun "Paris"-eui "Taxi" Unjeonsa
Author: Hong Se-hwa
Publisher: Changbi
375 pages | 210*148mm br>

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>>>This book is written in Korean only.

About This Book

A collection of autobiographical essays by an exile. Hong. Dispatched in 1979 to the branch office of a Korean corporation located in Europe, was prevented from returning to Korea due to his involvement in the Namminjon (Preparatory Committee for the South Korean National Liberation Front) Affair. Hong retells his taxi driver days in Paris and the twists and turns he experienced while seeking refuge in France. These essays are poignant reflections on his college life, his participation in student activism, and the various aspects of French society he witnessed in exile. Both a moving personal record and a work of lively social criticism, A Taxi Driver in Paris has achieved wide acclaim.

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