Views on Korean Social History
by James B. Palais
size: A5, 52pages. publisher: Yonsei University Press, 1998.
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Progress or Stasis in Korean Society
I. Problem
II. Sprouts of Capitalism
1. Pre-Imjin Period (1392-1592)
2. Commerce and Handicraft Industry
3. Post-Imjin Period (1592-1876)
4. Negative Aspects of Post-Imjin Development
III. Is Concentration in Development in Choson Misplaced?
- Slave Society
I. Introduction
II. Koryo Dynasty Slave Population
III. Definition of Slave Society, the 30 Percent Factor
IV. Does Slave Society Deny Progress or Change the MOP?
V. Labor and the Mode of Production
VI. Yi Yonghun: The nobi as both slave (noye) and Serf(nongno)
VII. Problems with the Yi's Argument
VIII. Serfs in Theory
IX. Treatment of Slaves
- Comment/ Dong No Kim
size: A5, 52pages. publisher: Yonsei University Press, 1998.
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Progress or Stasis in Korean Society
I. Problem
II. Sprouts of Capitalism
1. Pre-Imjin Period (1392-1592)
2. Commerce and Handicraft Industry
3. Post-Imjin Period (1592-1876)
4. Negative Aspects of Post-Imjin Development
III. Is Concentration in Development in Choson Misplaced?
- Slave Society
I. Introduction
II. Koryo Dynasty Slave Population
III. Definition of Slave Society, the 30 Percent Factor
IV. Does Slave Society Deny Progress or Change the MOP?
V. Labor and the Mode of Production
VI. Yi Yonghun: The nobi as both slave (noye) and Serf(nongno)
VII. Problems with the Yi's Argument
VIII. Serfs in Theory
IX. Treatment of Slaves
- Comment/ Dong No Kim