We'll always meet againZoom

We'll always meet again

Item# 9788962478518
Title: We'll always meet again
Korean 우리는 언제나 다시 만나
Author: Yeorim Yoon
Publisher: Wisdomhouse
ISBN: 9788962478518
40 page/258 * 10 mm /387g

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

After infants and toddlers who absolutely need parental care, children gradually become self-directed and do more things alone. In addition, after adolescence, the child's independence grows, and the moment of independence as a human comes. Rather, parents who poured absolute love into their children in the process feel a little disappointed and empty, and not only their children but also their parents grow up. When a child grows up, parents grow up.
This book, which contains warm love and strong support for all mothers, not only mothers of infants who are constantly looking for mothers but also mothers of adolescents who are waiting for their future children, and mothers of adolescents who have to leave soon, supports children and parents.

Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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