Who Are "They" Anyway?Zoom

Who Are "They" Anyway?

Item# 8957575219
Korean Title: Dodaeche Nugu-ya
Author: BJ Gallagher, Steve Ventura
Translator: Dae-woon Hong
Publisher: Joongang M&B
H/C | 136 pages | 210*148mm

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in Korean only.

About This Book

A charming workplace parable to inspire your staff to achieve success through greater personal accountability.

Every team, every organization, every group has problems. Every individual has problems, too. Often we search for the right person or persons to solve those problems. The question is: Where and how do we find them? Who are "they" anyway?

In Who Are "They" Anyway? BJ Gallagher and Steve Ventura lead readers on a personal quest-a journey-in search of someone who can fix what's wrong, deal with difficult people, and take charge of fixing individual and organizational problems. Who is that special person? The results may surprise readers, as they learn:
* Who those "theys" are who seem responsible for every organization's bureaucratic hassles.
* How to stop looking for someone to blame or someone to come to the rescue.
* How to experience the job satisfaction and personal pleasure that comes from taking ownership and solving problems.

Both practical and inspirational, Who Are "They" Anyway? is written to appeal to both the heads and hearts of employees at all levels-from folks on the front line, to supervisors and middle managers, all the way to top executives. It includes tips, strategies, quizzes, and how-tos to help readers apply the story in their own work lives. It is a message of encouragement and empowerment, and the personal and organizational payoff can be enormous.

Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.

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