A Year with Timothy Keller  Zoom

A Year with Timothy Keller

Item# 9788953149557
Title: A Year with Timothy Keller
Korean Title: 팀 켈러, 사랑으로 나아가는 오늘 - 예수님 생각 365
Author: Timothy Keller
Publisher: Duranno
ISBN: 9788953149557

396 page /140*220mm515g

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>>>This book is written in Korean.

About This Book

* Publisher's review

Tim Keller, a gospel preacher who reads the entire Bible with Jesus Christ at the center , 365 messages carefully selected from his representative works

This is a one-year meditation book that condenses Tim Keller's extensive theology and faith. It is a book that collects carefully selected passages from Tim Keller's representative works, and it is the perfect gift for those who are already familiar with Tim Keller's words and wisdom or those who are reading Tim Keller's writings for the first time. It contains biblical wisdom and profound insights on a wide range of topics such as the nature of God, the meaning of the gospel, life and death, prayer and love of neighbors, work ethics and social justice. It selects core messages from Tim Keller's important representative works such as.

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